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Getting Dialer Calls & Reports via API
Getting Dialer Calls & Reports via API

Getting a list of calls via API from Brightcall Dialer

Updated over 5 months ago

Calls and Call Stats data can be retrieved with POST requests to these endpoints: — for calls — for statistics. The request body and response parameters are shown below.

Data Request parameters

  • searchString — Optional. Specify a search string to filter results.

  • dayFrom — Required. Start date for the query in YYYY-MM-DD format.

  • dayTo — Required. End date for the query in YYYY-MM-DD format.

  • timezone — Optional. Specify a timezone string.

  • dateInterval — Required. Specify the date interval for statistics.

  • types — Optional. Array of call types (0: INBOUND, 1: OUTBOUND, 2: INTERNAL).

  • states — Optional. Array of call states (0: UNANSWERED, 1: ANSWERED, 2: FAILED).

  • categories — Optional. Array of call categories. Possible values: 'all', 'inbound', 'outbound', 'internal', 'answered', 'unanswered', 'failed', 'inbound_answered', 'inbound_unanswered', 'inbound_failed', 'outbound_answered', 'outbound_unanswered', 'outbound_failed', 'internal_answered', 'internal_unanswered', 'internal_failed'

  • agentIds — Optional. Array of agent IDs to filter by.

  • teamIds — Optional. Array of team IDs to filter by.

  • uniqueIds — Optional. Array of unique call IDs to filter by.

  • number — Optional. Filter by a specific phone number.

  • fromNumber — Optional. Filter by the originating phone number.

  • toNumber — Optional. Filter by the destination phone number.

  • toAnswer — Optional. Filter by the answering phone number.

  • textProjects — Optional. Array of project names to filter by.

  • projectIds — Optional. Array of project IDs to filter by.

  • tags — Optional. Array of tags to filter by.

  • outcomes — Optional. Array of outcome strings to filter by.

  • outcomeTypes — Optional. Array of outcome types ('positive', 'negative', 'neutral', 'absent').

  • talkTimeFrom — Optional. Minimum talk time in seconds.

  • talkTimeTo — Optional. Maximum talk time in seconds.

  • answerTimeFrom — Optional. Minimum answer time in seconds.

  • answerTimeTo — Optional. Maximum answer time in seconds.

  • allUsers — Optional. Boolean to include all users.

  • userId — Optional. Filter by a specific user ID.

  • qualityRating — Optional. Filter by quality rating.

  • showTransfers — Optional. Boolean to show transfers.

  • showAICallsWithLog — Optional. Boolean to show AI calls with logs.

  • page — Optional. Page number for pagination (default: 1).

  • itemsPerPage — Optional. Number of items per page (default: 100).

  • sortBy — Optional. Field to sort by ('timestamp', 'talkTime', 'answerTime', default: 'timestamp').

  • sortDirection — Optional. Sort direction ('ASC' or 'DESC', default: 'DESC').

Calls list response parameters

The API response for the calls list includes the following parameters:

  1. Success Status

    • "success": true: This indicates that the request for data was successfully processed. A value of true means the request was handled correctly and the data returned is valid.

  2. Calls Array

    • "calls": This is an array containing objects representing individual call records. Each object within the array includes several properties related to a specific call.

    • Here is a description of each parameter in the calls array:

      • answerTime: Time in seconds taken for the call to be answered.

      • callTime: Total duration of the call in seconds from start to end.

      • campaign: Name or identifier of the associated marketing campaign (nullable).

      • projectName: Name of the associated project (nullable).

      • projectId: Unique identifier for the linked project (nullable).

      • projectContactId: Unique identifier for the project contact (nullable).

      • crmInfo: Data structure containing CRM-related information (nullable).

      • favorite: Boolean indicating if the call is marked as favorite.

      • firstTimeForTree: Boolean indicating if it's the first call for the specified call tree (nullable).

      • firstTimeForUser: Boolean indicating if it's the user's first call (nullable).

      • fromNumber: Phone number of the caller.

      • id: Unique identifier for the call record.

      • insertOrigin: String indicating how the call record was inserted (nullable).

      • isRecordBlocked: Boolean indicating if the call recording is blocked.

      • isRecordReady: Boolean indicating if the call recording is ready for access.

      • label: Additional label or description for the call.

      • numbersInvolvedJSON: JSON string representing all numbers involved in the call.

      • numbersRingedJSON: JSON string representing all numbers ringed during the call.

      • qualityRating: Numerical value for call quality rating (nullable).

      • recallDate: ISO date string for scheduled recall or follow-up (nullable).

      • recallFirstAttemptDate: ISO date string for first recall attempt (nullable).

      • recallState: Numerical value representing recall state (nullable).

      • recordName: Name or identifier of the call recording (nullable).

      • tags: Array of project tags associated with the call.

      • outcomeTag: String representing the call outcome (nullable).

      • outcomeType: Predefined type representing call outcome (nullable).

      • talkTime: Duration in seconds of actual conversation.

      • aiTalkTime: Duration in seconds of AI interaction, if applicable.

      • timestamp: ISO date string representing the call's date and time.

      • toAnswer: Number or identifier of the expected answering party (nullable).

      • toNumber: Phone number of the receiver (nullable).

      • totalTime: Total call duration in seconds, including ringing and hold time.

      • treeId: Unique identifier for the associated call tree.

      • type: Classification of the call (e.g., inbound, outbound).

      • state: State of the call (e.g., completed, missed).

      • uniqueId: Unique identifier for the call session.

      • userId: Unique identifier for the user who initiated or received the call.

      • agentShortNumber: Short number or extension of the handling agent (nullable).

      • lineNumber: Phone line number used for the call.

      • clientNumber: Phone number of the associated client (nullable).

      • transfers: Array of objects representing call transfers (optional).

      • recordingExpired: Boolean indicating if the call recording has expired (optional).

      • transcripts: Object representing call transcripts (optional).

      • convoloAiRecordingSummary: AI-generated summary of the call recording (optional).

      • convoloAiRecordingTitle: Title of the AI-generated call recording summary (optional).

  3. Tags Array

    • "tags": An array of predefined tags that can be associated with calls. These tags represent different statuses or outcomes that might be automatically or manually attached to call records.

  4. Outcomes Array

    • "outcomes": An array of possible outcomes that can be applied to calls. These outcomes represent different final statuses or results for each call.

  5. Projects Array

    • "projects": An array that would contain data related to different projects

  6. Time Constraints

    • "minTalkTime" and "maxTalkTime": Represent the minimum and maximum duration (in seconds) of talk time recorded for the calls in the current dataset.

    • "minAnswerTime" and "maxAnswerTime": Represent the minimum and maximum answer times (in seconds) for the calls.

  7. Timezone

    • "timezone": Specifies the time zone used for the call data timestamps.

  8. Pagination

    • "page" and "pagesCount": Represent the current page number and the total number of pages available for the call data. This is useful for navigating through a large set of records.

    • "totalItems": Indicates the total number of call records available.

Call statistic response

Top-Level Fields

  • success: A boolean value indicating whether the operation that generated this response was successful. In this case, it's true.

  • detailedStat: An object that contains various statistics related to the calls made. This object is broken down into several categories, each of which provides different types of information.

detailedStat Object Fields

  1. all: Contains statistics for all calls, both inbound and outbound.

    • all: Total number of calls.

    • fail: Number of failed calls.

    • success: Number of successful calls.

    • talks: Number of calls that resulted in a conversation.

    • error: Number of calls that encountered errors.

    • unique: Number of unique calls.

    • firstTime: Number of first-time calls.

    • active: Number of currently active calls.

    • total: An object with detailed metrics about all calls.

      • sum: Sum of all durations.

      • count: Total count of calls.

      • min: Minimum call duration.

      • max: Maximum call duration.

    • call: Contains similar metrics specifically for call durations.

    • answer: Contains similar metrics specifically for answered call durations.

  2. in: Statistics for inbound calls.

    • Similar structure to the all object, but specifically for inbound calls.

    • Fields include all, fail, success, talks, error, unique, firstTime, active, total, call, and answer.

    • total, call, and answer have the same meaning as above but are scoped to inbound calls.

  3. out: Statistics for outbound calls.

    • Follows the same structure as the all and in objects.

    • Provides metrics specifically for outbound calls.

  4. our: Contains statistics for internal calls.

    • Follows the same structure as the other objects.

  5. tagsSuccess: Number of calls successfully tagged.

  6. tagsDefault: Number of calls with default tags.

  7. tagsFail: Number of calls where tagging failed.

  8. tagsNoResult: Number of calls that returned no result during tagging.

  9. aiTalkTime: The total time that AI spent talking.

  10. allTalkTime: Total talk time for all calls combined.

  11. aiTalkCost: Total cost of AI talk time

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