🚨 The Free Caller Registry website is only available for registration of US-based phone numbers. However, if you're outside of the US, but still have US phone numbers attached to your account, this article is also for you.
Registering your dedicated phone numbers is an important step when you’re using Brightcall Multi-Line Dialer or Ai Agent. Registering the phone numbers will lower the chances of them getting flagged as spam and thus improving the general quality of your experience.
You’ll be able to:
Understand what the Free Caller Registry platform is.
Register your Dedicated Brightcall Phone Number.
What’s the Free Caller Registry?
When you subscribe to Brightcall and create your account, our support team adds a dedicated phone number to each one of your Dialer users. This dedicated number can be used for outbound calling, as well as for inbound.
When cold calling, there is always a chance that the leads might want to report that they’re getting cold calls from a specific phone number. When that is brought to the telecom carriers, they might flag the number as spam-likely.
To avoid this, we recommend registering the dedicated phone number at the Free Caller Registry website, a platform known to the most popular carriers inside the US. This platform can register the phone numbers submitted as legitimate business numbers.
How to do it?
1. Go to the Free Caller Registry webform by clicking on this link. You need to fill out the form on the right. Under “Company Numbers” you will put the Dedicated Dialer numbers added to your account. You can find those on “My numbers” page of the Brightcall Dashboard.
Make sure to put your Company Name as “Display Name” for each of the phone numbers. You can add more by clicking “Add Number” button or import a spreadsheet by clicking on “Choose File”.
2. Next you will need to provide more specific information about your company.
Choose the purpose of your calls under “Choose Category”. If none of those fit, you can choose “Other”. You will also need to insert your name, company phone number (e.g.: a direct or main company line), your email, your company name and company address.
3. Next, you will need to insert your company website and other technical information.
Under “Service provider” insert “Voximplat”. Under “Calls per month” put an average. We suggest 10,000 if you’re up to 10 Users. Above 10 Users, we suggest putting it on 100,000 to be safe.
4. As additional information, you can add the text below, adjusting it to your Company Name.
Please register the attached phone numbers as they are owned and operated by [Company Name] and used for direct communication with our customers. We strictly follow regulatory and compliance requirements with respect to calling our customers who have opted into these communications.
5. Finally, you will be required to insert a verification code. Click on “Send Verification Code” button and wait for the email with the code on the email address that you provided during Step 2.
6. Once you have filled out the entire form, click on “Submit” button and you will be good to go:
You will get a confirmation on the email that the phone numbers have been submited for registration. The Free Caller Registry might send you a second email confirming the registration still on the same day. 🚀